Email to VC/PE Firms and Download Data for $149

For senior level executives — choose from 10,000+ venture cap/private equity professionals
Select your industry and firm characteristics

To choose your specialties, click on a rectangle below and a list of choices will appear. Click once on a choice and that choice will appear in the rectangle. Delete choices by clicking on the 'x' in front of the choice or by clicking highlighted choices in the list.

   Note: once you have submitted and paid for your order, you will upload your letter, resume and specify an email subject line.
Select One Industry Specialty - required
Type of Firm
Geographic Preference for Investment
Geography - where the venture cap/PE firm is located. Investments can be located elsewhere. Most users should choose the entire US.
Regions, States, Cities
Note: once you have submitted and paid for your order, you will upload your letter, resume and specify an email subject line.