How successful are resume distributions?

I wish I could guarantee that email distribution would always lead to a new job — if I could, I would charge a great deal more than $149! The only claim I can make is that you will expand your contacts in the search arena because your credentials will go to recruiters who specialize in your field. You will get email and/or telephone replies to work with. In addition, resume writers tell us that they advise their job hunters to reach out to those who have looked at their LinkedIn profile but may not have sent a note asking for more information. Another way to network with those who have interest in your background.

I did get some feedback recently from a resume writer who uses our service regularly for their clients. Here is what she said:

Hey, just for fun .. based on your list nearly 5% of clients have landed roles because of the distribution. In the marketing world that is a fantastic return rate! If a simple thing like doing a distribution gave me a 5% advantage I would be all over it!

But like so many things in life, there are no guarantees!

2023 Directories now available!

2023 Recruiters & Search Firms Directories — now available in Paperback and eBook formats! Find them on:

In 37 categories

  • From CXO: C-Level Executives to Interim/Contract and Supply Chain Managers
  • From Advertising to Computer Hardware and Insurance

Feedback from a Resume Writer / Career Counselor

Michelle Deatherage of  D&S Executive Career Management just worked with a senior HR executive on a resume distribution. Here is her feedback:

I wanted to share a really positive story with you about the database. It worked for ESB! She landed a job from one of the contacts she made through the distribution. How cool.

Thanks for all your support on these. The clients love doing them and this makes me excited about doing even more

There is no bad time to send your credentials to recruiters

A finance executive used our service to send an email letter to recruiters today — just two days before the Labor Day Weekend! Here is what she wrote us two hours after the distribution was finished: Got tons of replies already !!!  Thank you,  your database is the best!  Only one bounced email so far :-)  keep you posted!

A Thanksgiving Compliment

Thanks to John Brubaker of Professional Resumes Plus ( who has been using our recruiter database for his clients for more than 20 years. He sent me the following note:

It is impossible to even conceive of all the good you and your business have done for so many tens of thousands of people. No doubt about it – HUNDREDS of clients of mine got dream jobs solely because of your database and the leads it provided.

A Resume Writer’s Thank You Note

We just did a resume distribution for a resume writer’s client. Here is her email to me a few days after it went out:

Jane, I have to tell you how wonderful the distribution has been to one of my clients. Until the distribution, he was getting lots of attention, but from the wrong type of person. He now has meetings booked all day every day for the next week.

I thought I’d share that with you. I now hear hope and enthusiasm in his voice. And, in fact, he’s now seeing that he was aiming too low. He’s now speaking with PE decision-makers. I’m thrilled for him!

Sending letters and resumes to a targeted group of recruiters can be an effective piece of your job hunt

Just after Thanksgiving, we sent out an email campaign for a job hunter. Here is his email to me:

My email and phone has been blowing up today!  Thank you!

I’ve been on the phone all afternoon with recruiters, trying to answer emails in between. Email campaign obviously got traction.

A few recruiters that I spoke with today were amazed how I found them and they didn’t know they were in your database.  One was the President of the company — he called me directly!

Thx again!

There is NO wrong time to look for a job

It is a common myth that holidays are a bad time to look for a job. Not true – and especially not true at this time of year. Actual hiring may be slow during the holidays, but January is a peak hiring month and candidates who network during the holidays can have an edge for that hiring.

So don’t stop just because the holiday lights are up. Keep calling friends and relatives, answer ads and send your resume to recruiters in a carefully targeted direct email campaign.

What Subject Line Should I Use in my Resume Distribution?

This is is a question job-hunters often ask.  And if they don’t ask it they should!

The email subject line should be interesting and compelling enough to make the recruiter want to read your email letter and your resume.

Use an email subject which describes you or the position you are seeking. For example, Senior R&D Professional or New Graduate Seeking Sales Position.

Non-specific subjects like Looking for a New Job or My Resume will not be enticing enough to encourage recruiters to open your email. In many cases, the title line (or a descriptive phrase) from your resume works well as the subject line for your emails.