How successful are resume distributions?

I wish I could guarantee that email distribution would always lead to a new job — if I could, I would charge a great deal more than $149! The only claim I can make is that you will expand your contacts in the search arena because your credentials will go to recruiters who specialize in your field. You will get email and/or telephone replies to work with. In addition, resume writers tell us that they advise their job hunters to reach out to those who have looked at their LinkedIn profile but may not have sent a note asking for more information. Another way to network with those who have interest in your background.

I did get some feedback recently from a resume writer who uses our service regularly for their clients. Here is what she said:

Hey, just for fun .. based on your list nearly 5% of clients have landed roles because of the distribution. In the marketing world that is a fantastic return rate! If a simple thing like doing a distribution gave me a 5% advantage I would be all over it!

But like so many things in life, there are no guarantees!