ACC | Accounting | ACC | accounting |
ADV | advertising, public relations | ACT | actuaries |
AER | Aerospace/aviation | ADM | administration, clerical, secretarial |
AGR | agriculture/business | ADV | advertising |
APP | Apparel | AFF | aff action, diversity, multicultural |
AUT | automotive, motor vehicles, trucks | ARC | architects |
BAN | Banking | AUD | auditing |
BIO | biotechnology/equipment | AUT | automation |
BOA | boats/marine | BOD | board of directors |
BRK | Brokers | CAL | call centers, cust. sve, tech. supp. |
BRO | broadcasting, media, tv/radio/cable | CAS | cash management |
BUI | building products/systems | CNS | consulting, management consultants |
CHM | Chemicals | COP | copyright, intellect. prop., trademark |
CMM | communications, telecomm | COR | corporate relations, investor relations |
CMP | Computers | CRE | credit & collections |
CNS | Construction | CXO | CXO – chief “X” officer |
CON | Consumer | DES | design, product development |
CPG | consumer packaged goods | DEV | development/fund raising, non profit |
CRE | credit/credit card | ECO | economics |
CSG | consulting, management consulting | EDU | education, training |
CSM | cosmetics, perfume, soap | ENG | engineering |
DEF | defense | ENV | environmentalists |
DIR | direct marketing | FIN | financial |
DP | computer svc., data proc., inf. tech. | GEN | generalist, management |
ED | education, higher education | GRA | graphic arts/design |
ELC | electronics, semiconductors | HRS | human resources, personnel |
ENG | engineering | IND | assembly, industrial labor, light ind. |
ENR | energy | INT | international |
ENT | entertainment, film, gaming | LAB | laboratory personnel, technicians |
ENV | environmental | LAW | lawyers, paralegals |
EQ | equipment, machinery | LOG | logistics, materials manag. & plan. |
ESS | executive search, personnel agencies | MAN | manufact., plant management, prod. |
FIN | financial services | MAR | marketing |
FOD | food and beverages | MED | medical, physicians/nurses/therapists |
FOR | forest products/pulp/paper, lumber | MER | merchandising |
FRA | franchising | MIS | information technology., systems. |
FRN | furniture and fixtures, lighting | M&A | mergers & acquisitions |
GEN | generalist, most industries | MRE | market research, product research |
GOV | government, public administration | NET | networks/lan/wan |
HEA | healthcare/hospitals, medical | NUR | nursing |
HIT | hi-tech | OPS | operations |
HRS | Human resource services | ORE | operations research |
HSP | hospitality, hotels/restaurants | PAC | packaging |
IND | industrial | PHR | pharmacists |
INR | instruments, measuring, test equip. | PHY | physicians |
INS | insurance | PLN | planning |
INT | international | PMN | project management |
INV | investment banks | PRE | public relations |
LAB | laboratories | PRO | process control |
LAW | law firms | PUR | purchasing |
LEA | leasing | QUA | quality |
LEI | leisure/recreation | REG | regulatory affairs |
LOW | low tech industries | RIS | risk management |
MAN | manufacturing | R&D | research & development |
MAR | marketing | SAF | safety |
MAT | specialty materials | SAL | sales |
MCA | managed care | SEC | security |
MDE | medical devices | SEN | senior management |
MET | metals | TAX | taxes |
MIN | mining | TEC | scientific, technical |
MOR | mortgage industry | TEL | telecommunications |
NAT | natural resources | TEM | contract interim temp. placement |
NP | non-profits | THE | therapists |
O&G | oil & gas | TRA | traders |
PAC | packaging | VEN | venture capital |
PAP | paper | | |
PHR | drugs, pharmaceuticals | | |
PLS | plastics | | |
PRN | printing | | |
PUB | publishing | | |
REA | real estate | | |
R&D | research and development | | |
RTL | retail trade | | |
RUB | rubber | | |
SEC | security services/products | | |
SER | services | | |
SFT | software | | |
SPO | sports | | |
STO | aggregates, stone/gravel/silica | | |
TEX | textiles | | |
TRA | travel | | |
TRN | transportation | | |
UTI | utilities | | |
VEN | venture capital/private equity | | |
WAS | waste, hazardous waste | | |
WHL | wholesale trade | | |
WIR | wireless communications | | |
WWW | internet, e-commerce, new media | | |